Tag Archives: Business Safety


What is PC, and What is it Used For? Polycarbonate (PC) plastics are a naturally [...]

Holiday Safety & Security Tips for Businesses

The holiday season is upon us and many of us need a well-deserved break after [...]

Let us help you add value to your business with our burglar gates

Let your burglar gates offer you more than just protection. Why is this statement important? [...]

Modernise your Security System in 2020

Has it crossed your mind to upgrade your security system at home or at your [...]

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Why our Burglar Bars are the best in South Africa

Polycarbonate Burglar Bars Polycarbonate (clear) burglar bars have become the new solution to security systems [...]


Welcome to the ViewProtect Blog

  Your safety at home is our business Is your safety at home or business [...]